Individual Coaching Session:
Time Management & Productivity to
Navigate Your Job Search & More
Are you struggling to make it all work: juggling job search, family life, work life, and personal time?
There are tools and strategies that help you successfully manage the business of life before and after returning to work. When you put them to work, you’ll be more effective and purposeful in whatever tasks you take on, which will result in greater productivity.
Join professional organizer and productivity specialist, Lori Krolik of More Time For You, for a targeted one-on-one coaching session. After completing a pre-meeting personal assessment of your productivity, you’ll receive real time feedback to:
- Help you better manage information – whether personal or electronic,
- Better use your calendar and task management tools so that you are consistently addressing your own priorities versus always reacting to those of others, and
- Avoid overwhelm by using proven organization and productivity practices.