Marina Groothuis
Marketing Analyst, Path Forward Program, Return Path
Marina Groothuis returned to work in October, 2015 through a Path Forward (pathforward.org) internship as a marketing coordinator at Return Path, Inc., a software company in New York.
In February, 2016, she was hired as a marketing analyst in the Marketing Operations group at Return Path.
Marina spent the first nine years of her career in direct marketing at J.Crew, BMG Direct, and an e-commerce start up.
In 2003, while working as a marketing director at BMG, Marina chose to leave her job to become a stay-at-home mom.
Six years later, Marina followed her life’s passion to become a certified yoga teacher. Starting in 2012, in addition to teaching yoga, she joined a wellness center in Roslyn, New York as its marketing director, launching their social marketing, advertising the business, and managing the customer database.
Marina spends her free time enjoying her family, including a Bichon Poo named Lily, traveling, and hiking. Marina maintains a daily Ashtanga yoga practice, oftentimes several hours before the sun comes up, and attends yoga workshops to deepen her practice whenever she can.
Marina holds her A.B. in Russian Studies from Columbia College. She also holds her E-RYT 200 (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher) certification from the Yoga Alliance as well as her Inbound Certification from HubSpot.
- Marina is featured in the March 22nd issue of Fortune!