Are you busy, so busy, you don’t have time to read this? Yeah, me too. We both need help.

spinning wheels vs meeting goals
At the end of some days, I feel exhausted, my mind cycling over and over through the to-dos I shoved off to the next day, when the cycle begins anew.
Sometimes, I’m moving at warp drive, never making it to the tasks that REALLY matter to me. I feel like one foot is nailed to the floor and the other is spinning me around and around.
I found several solutions for this:
1) Meditate: Even 1 minute causes the thoughts in my head to stop spinning around and calm down. I can then prioritize my actions instead of living in panic mode.
2) Attend a class: I take a yoga class 1-2 times/week. It’s great to join a calm setting and focus on how my body feels.
3) Exercise: I dance once a week. For years it was modern line dancing, now it’s West Coast Swing with a partner. I love how the process challenges my mind and body at the same time.
4) Mentor: I’ve founded several companies, learning via successes and missteps along the way. Now I volunteer at organizations that help entrepreneurs navigate the start-up phase of their business. While sharing my experiences, I’m also learning about the ever-changing field of present-day marketing.
5) Networking: I recommend connecting with peers as a way to get inspired and hold each other accountable. You can share experiences and find support and cheerleaders to motivate and inspire you. Our small group coaching is designed to help you build your network and meet “like-minded” people with whom you can share your experiences and hold each other accountable. Discover more here.
While many of us hold the romantic notion that inspiration arrives in a flash of brilliance, I’ve found that great ideas come to me when I allow my mind to clear. Sometimes we’re so deep under water, we forget to come up for air.
These five activities help me grow in different ways: alone or with others, focusing on my thoughts and/or my body, taking in knowledge while sharing knowledge.
But they all have 1 thing in common: I schedule them.
If I didn’t schedule these activities, they wouldn’t happen. And for all but meditation, if I didn’t schedule to attend with someone else, I’d find a way to skip them.
If your schedule is open for just one hour, join us here.
Sometimes I am better at meeting commitments to others than to myself, so I merge my habits with my needs to create a win-win outcome.
Professionally, I work with people in career transition: those looking for a new job, for a new career, or to return to the workforce after a career break. Most have a general idea of how to get where they want to be. Some even know exactly what steps to take to get there. But they aren’t making progress. Why?
And that’s where I come in. I developed the Values•Vision•Voice Success Program to enable job seekers and entrepreneurs to determine and communicate their values and skills to Find Work They Love™. We meet individually or virtually in small groups, making progress each week towards our goals. People with whom I started working recently are now in the throes of interviewing and considering their job offers. Those who start now can be in this position in a few weeks.
What unfinished dreams have you never made time for? Are you ready to make progress? Find out how.