Dress for Success:
The Art of Acing the First Impression
Things have changed around the office – wardrobe-wise! There are fewer arbitrary rules. There’s far more freedom of choice. Even law and banking, the last bastions of conservative dress, are rethinking their approach in some locales. Is the professional dress code dead? Wendy argues that it is dead — at least as we know it. What does this mean for you as you re-enter the work world?
If you are headed back to the work place after taking a break, you’re considering new professional directions, or you are moving from school to the work world, this is your chance to hear from a professional image consultant about what to consider when it comes to presenting a professional image.
A Great Style Exercise! To help you on your path, Wendy will share a really effective and fun style exercise to help you tap into your authentic personal and professional style preferences. She will demonstrate the exercise on our Connect•Work•Thrive CEO, Johanna Wise, then it’s your turn! Join us for this creative and informative session. You will leave with insights, tips and tricks for getting and keeping your business look on track.
To prepare, bring an object or a picture of an object you absolutely love. Not ‘like a lot,’ but really love! It could be a favorite flower, a car, a pair of sunglasses, a piece of jewelry, a favorite tie, a piece of art or architecture, and so forth. (Please avoid choosing more ephemeral things like food, music, a place, a color, a poem or novel, or a photo of friends, family, or the family pet).
Stop by and say “hi!” Wendy will be on site all day to meet you. If you have one, specific professional wardrobe question, or would like feedback on an interview outfit you’re considering, stop by and say hello. She will provide a five-minute, micro-mini consultation.
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