Reinvention Creates Career Opportunities

business reinvention

Career Opportunities are Everywhere Career opportunities are all around us. Businesses that survive reinvent themselves all the time. The same is true for businesspeople.  Opportunities are present throughout our entire lives. If you have worked continuously outside the home from your 20s onward you may be most receptive and motivated in your 30s and 40s. If you stepped out of the traditional workforce (to …

What is Holding You Back?

The only thing standing between you and your goals is your story

Pat* called me after carrying my business card for over a year. She had found it on a bulletin board, along with an invitation to a Connect•Work•Thrive Find Work You Love™ Conference. During the year, Pat read and reread the card and invitation, checked the website regularly wanting to connect, but just not feeling ready – something was holding her back. She …

Meaningfulness vs Happiness

seek meaningfulness instead of happiness

I help professionals who feel stuck… …stuck in a career simply because that’s what they trained for, stuck in a job because of the pay, stuck in a project because they don’t know how to say “no,” stuck without a job because they can’t overcome what makes them feel stuck, stuck because they don’t have a sense of meaning, stuck because …

Stop Being Busy and Start Achieving Your Goals

are you busy with motion vs. progress

Are you busy, so busy, you don’t have time to read this? Yeah, me too. We both need help. At the end of some days, I feel exhausted, my mind cycling over and over through the to-dos I shoved off to the next day, when the cycle begins anew. Sometimes, I’m moving at warp drive, never making it to the …

Do You Love Your Job? Does Your Job Love You?

I Love My Job, My Job Loves Me

Job satisfaction parallels successful personal relationships: Identify your standards, your needs, and your wants, Commit to them, and Clearly communicate them. When we take shortcuts or transform ourselves into what we believe someone else wants – well, we all know what a disaster that is. It’s simply not sustainable. So why do we do so when seeking employment? Why do …

I Hear You!

Complete Thought

As a native New Yorker, I developed the habit of finishing other people’s sentences. In New York City, that’s viewed as being in sync with someone, so much so, that the listener knows exactly what the speaker is about to say, prior to finishing a complete thought. My husband, a Chicagoan, shared with me that in the Midwest that style …

Where is Indecision Prison – Are You Stuck There?

Do something!

What kind of decision maker are you? By nature, I am slow to make a decision and quick to act. I am a data and info junkie, doing tons of research prior to making a commitment. Once I make a decision, I act upon it. Does that mean I always make good decisions? Heck no! I’ve made some awful decisions …

Motherhood: The Original IPO


After the birth of our second child, I chose to become a stay-at-home mom. Because I left the workforce during some of my prime earning years, I reflect on my decision. When I decided to return to full-time paid employment, I faced difficulty finding a conventional corporate job despite the skills I had maintained and sharpened while on earning hiatus. …

Gratitude – The Quality of Being Thankful

Showing Gratitude and Return Kindness

“The happiness of life is made up of little things – a smile, a helping hand, a caring heart, a word of praise, a moment of shared laughter. We are most alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” -Thornton Wilder At Thanksgiving, I reflect with gratitude on the many blessings I have enjoyed over the …